Saturday, July 19, 2008
Technology, environment, economy...Oh yeah, I'll be gone for a week.
Happy blogging everyone!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Texas Finally Did Something Right
Texas approved a $4.9 billion plan to build energy transmission lines in order to transport the wind-generated electricity in the West Texas wind farms. It's said to be the biggest investment in renewable energy in the nation's history. While Texas is already the national leader in wind energy, this investment will insure there is the proper infrastructure to transport the energy collected from the turbines.
It seems that finally Texas is taking a step in the right direction, and for once we are an innovative example for the nation. Hopefully this will just be one step of many that the Lone Star State takes toward a more environmentally friendly way of life. And hey, if Texas can do it, a state which is infamous for it's oil production and consumption, anyone can. There is hope for the Nation yet.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Fanny and Freddy and Indy, Oh my!

This has been a week of government regulations and a small economic upswing, which seems to imply that the government intervention is causing the boost in the economy, but I beg to differ. The cause of the increase in the Dow was the increase in bank stocks. Banks stocks finally bottomed out and investors started to buy. This is economics 101, if a price drops low enough, people will buy as an investment, then the stock will rise. Once stocks begin to rise the economy goes up. Behold the power of the free market. A lot of people will make the argument that the government backing of Fanny and Freddy gave people enough confidence in the market to buy, but really I think its as simple as low prices equals buyer prices.
Free market economics has always been a source of debate in this country, it's really the essence of the on going battle between our two lovely primary political parties, but I would venture to say that this is true even more so now. Currently "free market" almost is teetering on the line of buzz word. You hear it thrown around all the time in political forums and blogs. You can't talk about the economy with out hearing it dropped into the conversation, so the main stream public is really starting to think about it, whether it be positively or negatively. Personally, I am pro. I do not believe that there should be third party regulation of prices or consumption. My basic philosophy is let it ride and the market will take care of itself, as we have seen in the past.
Here is where I flip just a little, while I'm for letting the overall economy do its thing, I am also for social welfare programs. Our tax money should not go towards bailing out Fanny and Freddy, or any other big name business in trouble for that matter, but instead insuring that the lower rung of society's quality of life meets a certain basic standard. The best policies are those that let everyone move up in the world, and to help those who may have a harder time getting started in that process. It is a common idea that you can judge a society by the status of it's lowest citizens. If we can use our tax dollars to insure those who need money get it, we can go a long way to improve the life of the lower class, along with boosting the economy. Almost every dollar that is put into the hands of an individual of lower socio-economic status will be turned around and directly put back in the economy. So why not give money back to the people that really need it?
But as it is now, we are half-assing it both ways. We try to regulate some parts of the economy but not others, we put in place government welfare programs that only kind of work, and then we expect (depending on who is in power) for the economy to fix itself even after we've begun those counter productive regulations. Why not take all of that wasted money, put it towards a few really good programs, and get rid of the rest of the government interference and bureaucracy? You know, cut out the fat. Seems like such a simple solution for such a seemingly complicated problem. But when talking about the economy, this is one time where more money really is a viable solution.
Yeah, I know, I'm too idealistic, we can never be that efficient, but, then again, maybe we can. Either way, wouldn't you like to find out?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
If there is a hell Joel Osteen's going

Monday, July 14, 2008
New Yorker depicts Obamas as terrorist

I'd like to point out here that I am, by no means, an Obama supporter (I'm not a McCain supporter either for that matter), but I do think that this particular picture may have gone too far, especially considering they were attempting to show support by publishing it. It will be counter productive in terms of Obama's campaign, and end up just giving him one more thing he has to spend valuable campaign time defending.
Also, I'd like to clear up a misconception some people may have about those of us criticising the New Yorker, this is not a free speech issue. I am not suggesting, and nor do I think any one else is, that the cover should not be allowed to run. I am a firm believer in the right to free speech, even when it may be offensive. But I do think the cover was in bad taste. The only saving grace is the fact that it was meant as a satire. If this would have been released seriously by Obama's opposition, there would have been shock and awe running rampant through the nation. There seems to be a few thin lines still that you just do not cross, and this is something that falls into that category.
Please let me know what you think. I'm interested to hear other opinions on this. Also, I linked to the original article in the title if anyone is wants to read it.
Friday, July 11, 2008
At least somethings will never change

This seems to be the general environmental policy of the current administration, ignore it, and hopefully it will magically ride off into the distance, or maybe, if their lucky, someone else will fix it. Either way, they don't' care as long as they don't have to actually address the problem. As we saw in 2002 when Bush dismissed his own administrations report that human activities are effecting climate change, in 2005 when he refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol and today in ignoring even a Supreme Court he stacked in his favor.
Beyond the general qualms with his policy, I don't understand his reluctance to use the Clean Air Act of 1990, an act his father helped pass. The act alone is not enough to fix all of our problems, I will admit, but it's a start. It outlines a clear and concise plan of action to reduce harmful emissions, unlike the recent G8 summit where they proposed a not-so-lofty goal of 50% reduction by 2050 but came up with no tangible plan to do so. If someone could shed some light on this for me I'd be much obliged.
At least we're at a point where our president is willing to admit that global warming is actually real. Now the problem is not to change the opinion of the administration, but to light a fire under it's ass and get it going. Unfortunately the fire is being kindled by the lukewarm environmental policy of the Republican party.
Well, fortunately for the environment, and the nation, there is a silver lining: we are in the home stretch of this president. Within a few months we will have new policies to pick apart, different decisions to critique, and a new president to complain about...or not. Personally, I'm hopping (even though it may mean near death for the political blog sphere) for the latter.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What I mean by "in the middle."
I am a born and bread Texan. I grew up in a small town, and I now go to school in our great state's capitol. I'm also white, middle class, and a Jew. Except for the last one, I am textbook republican. I should be hoot 'n hollerin for Bush, even to this day, but, thankfully, I am not. I was raised by die hard Democrats. My mother is a crazy ex-hippie, and my father an ex-rancher. They are like the ying and the yang of the democratic party.
Me personally, I'm not like my parents. My mother is staunchly liberal in every aspect. If she had her way we'd all be paying half our income to the government to take care of the poor, abortions would be free, and homosexual couples would get priority marriage licences. Fortunatly, my mother and I definitely share some of the same views, but unfortunatly, there are others she wants to kill me over as soon as the words slip out of my mouth (usually on accident. I'm pro peace. ) My father on the other hand is a very moderate Democrat, and relatively unpolitical compared to my mom and me. He votes every election, and he has his issues that he cares about, but he's not nearly as extreme and definitely not as vocal. He even admitted to me once that he voted for a Republican president. Right before he told me he looked around the room and leaned in close and was very serious. I was about 12 years old and completely terrified. I thought he was about to tell me that I was adopted, or that we ate puppies or something. Luckily it was only the fact that he voted for a GOP candidate how ever many years ago. Needless to say, I was relieved. I mean sure, at the time I thought republicans were the devil, but at least I hadn't been eating puppies all my life. Of course he hurriedly told me to NEVER tell my mother about it. Heh, hope mom doesn't read this.
So, I happen to be the best of both worlds I think. I am pro gay rights, pro abortion, pro helping poor people, and am anti-war. I like the idea of socialized health care, I'm into welfare programs, and I dig food stamps and unemployment. On the other hand I'm a capitalist through and through. I'm anti-over taxing, I'm against regulation of the economy, and more then anything I hate big government. I feel the only way a human being can be truly happy is if they have the ability to better their situation in life and move up through society. And I feel capitalism is the only way to insure that everyone has that opportunity. And, I know, I'm a walking and talking American bread wind up doll that spouts capitalistic propaganda I've been feed all my life. But hey, I'm pretty sure I'm right, and that's all that matters.
I guess now your probably wondering how we're going to help the poor if we don't raise taxes, and how is socialized health care not going to expand the role of the government, etc. etc.?Well, we've now come to the purpose of this blog. I plan to address those issues and more over the course of my writing. My goal is to run a political commentary on current events, along with clarifying my ideology, and hopefully entertaining the masses. We'll see how it goes. Also, I forgot to mention, I'm really big into the environment. I plan on having a weekly portion on cheap and easy ways to do your part for Mother Earth.
My goal is to really get my opinion out there, and hopefully make a small difference with it. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. But honestly, I think my real goal is just to be entertaining enough to be worth reading, and maybe I'll get people thinking in the process. I guess we'll see.